Reconnecting with the Power of Love
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In my last entry, I shared how the biggest barrier to releasing yourself from limiting beliefs and creating the life you truly deserve and desire is your ego. If you missed it, you can view it here.
As I mentioned in this previous entry, the reason it’s so important to recognize your ego’s presence is that it separates you from your most authentic self and, ultimately, your highest potential. When you lift the barriers of who you’ve been taught to be in order to survive, you uncover who you truly are, allowing you to thrive.
The ego operates from a place of fear, guiding you toward decisions rooted in comfort and control. But these decisions are often misaligned with your true path and purpose. To create the life of your dreams, you must begin aligning your choices with your true nature and the opposite of fear: love.
Love as Your True Nature
Love is the answer to every problem in life—not romantic love, but the infinite, all-encompassing presence of love that resides within each of us. Some call this presence God, Spirit, the Universe, the Divine, or higher consciousness. Whatever you call it, its essence is the same: love.
This presence is your birthright. It is who you are at your core. Yet, many of us feel disconnected from it. Not because we aren’t worthy, but because we’ve been conditioned to prioritize survival over freedom. We’ve been taught to avoid fear rather than embrace love.
But what if there’s another way?
When we reconnect with the presence of love, we realize we are never truly alone. We are always supported by something greater. However, this support reflects our belief in it. The more disconnected we feel from love, the more fear dictates our decisions—and the more disconnected our lives feel.
Shifting From Fear to Love
Our lives are a reflection of our beliefs. The truth is, you are fully and wholly supported by love. But fear, trauma, and the ego will try to convince you otherwise.
The more connected we are to love, both the love within ourselves and the love of something greater, the more our outer world mirrors this connection. When we embrace self-love, feel worthy, and trust in the support of this presence, our external experiences will reflect abundance, peace, and joy. But when we fall into self-loathing, fear, or unworthiness, our lives tend to mirror those beliefs, creating experiences that reinforce these feelings.
You might ask, “If I’m supported, why have I experienced so much pain?” It’s a valid question. But consider this: What if those painful moments reflected decisions made from fear rather than love?
Let me be clear—your hardships are not your fault. I’ve struggled to believe in a higher power during difficult times, too. But when I reflect, I see how fear often guided my choices. Once I began aligning my decisions with the belief that I was supported by love, my life began to transform.
How to Reconnect With Love
Reconnecting with the presence of love within you is about small, intentional steps. Here are some practices that can help:
Meditation: Spend just a few minutes each day in meditation. This practice helps quiet the chatter of the mind and ego, allowing you to connect with the love that is always present.
Intentional Prayer or Conversation: Speak to this presence directly. Whether you call it God, Spirit, or the Universe, ask for guidance, clarity, and support. The more you open yourself to this connection, the more you’ll feel its presence in your life.
Ask for Signs: When you feel disconnected, ask for a sign to remind you of this presence. Close your eyes and choose something that comes to mind—an animal like a blue butterfly, giraffe, or owl; something in nature like a sunflower or a rainbow; or anything else uncommon in your day-to-day life. Ask for this sign to appear as confirmation that you are supported. Be patient and don’t force it. Signs often appear unexpectedly—in a book, a conversation, a dream, or even a social media post. When you see your sign, it will feel undeniable.
Look for Signs Already Present: Signs can show up in everyday life if you stay open to noticing them. Here are a few examples:
Repeating numbers like 444, 111, or 777.
Synchronicities such as hearing the same song multiple times when you’re contemplating a question.
Overhearing a conversation or reading a quote that feels like a direct answer to something on your mind.
Act From Love, Not Fear: In moments of doubt, ask yourself: “Am I making this decision out of fear or love?” Choosing love might look like trusting your intuition, speaking your truth, or allowing yourself to rest when you need it. The more you practice choosing love, the more natural it will become.
Living in Alignment With Love
The goal isn’t to feel connected to love all the time. Life will always ebb and flow, but the more you prioritize reconnecting with love, the more it will become your default state.
When you align your decisions with love, you become a magnet for miracles. You open the door to abundance, joy, and peace. Love is always the answer, but it requires cultivating this relationship within to fully experience its power.
This week, I encourage you to take one small step. Meditate, ask for a sign, or reflect on what reconnecting with love could mean for you. Trust that the presence of love is always guiding and supporting you—you just have to open yourself to it.
You are supported. You are guided. And you are always, always loved.
With love,
Gabrielle N.
P.S. If you’ve been feeling called to explore these ideas more deeply, I’d love to support you through a personal tarot reading or coaching session. Explore these services here to see how we can work together!